5 Email App Alternatives for Android

For most the stock Gmail or Email apps on our Android smartphones and tablets are perfect, and supply enough features or functionality to complete your daily tasks, but they aren’t for everyone. Here we’ve gathered a list of five or so great Email app alternatives for Android.

One of the biggest advantages of using Android is the fact that there are so many 3rd party apps and additional options available for core features, like Email. Whether Gmail isn’t what you’re looking for, or you need added features for Outlook.com or Microsoft Exchange, the few apps below should serve you well.

Google’s continued to improve Gmail with a new look and additional features, but there are many other alternatives worth checking out. Android’s stock Email app does support Exchange, IMAP, or POP3 accounts, but so do the many options we’ve outlined below. First up is CloudMagic, but that’s just one of many you’ll want to try while searching for an Email app replacement.


There are plenty of choices when it comes to Email apps for our Android devices, and many offer different looks, features, or needs to suit each user. Not everyone needs color-coded emails, folders, or POP3 access, but if you’re searching for something other than the stock options we have you covered.


First up is CloudMagic which is a rather popular choice. It has a simple, clean, yet beautiful interface and is loaded with features. Even the search function is nearly as fast and accurate as Gmail. It supports nearly every major email platform. Ones like Gmail, Microsoft Exchange, iCloud, Outlook.com, Yahoo, and any IMAP or POP3 account you may have.

Another benefit is this will let you manage all your email accounts with one app. Everything is color-coded by email account or type, and again, search makes finding important emails or documents a breeze.
The pop-out navigation bar on the left side separates all your emails into easy to navigate columns, making multi-tasking and working with multiple accounts simple. It has a bright blue notification bar and an extremely clean user interface, and you’ll have no problems making your way through all your emails, no matter where they come from. They even have a card system where you can send or share emails or clips to the cloud, Dropbox, Evernote and more. It’s quite powerful, and one of my personal favorites. Oh, and it supports Android Wear. – Download CloudMagic


Since making its debut in November of 2013 myMail has continued to gain popularity, and it’s one of the most popular Email app alternatives on both Android and iOS. myMail is all about a simple, effective, and mobile-friendly email system for our Android devices. It has more users than CloudMagic, and even Mailbox, which we’ll talk about below.
myMail looks a bit more like iOS than we’d like, but the user interface is clean and simple putting everything out of the way so you can focus on the content in a mobile-friendly fashion. Just like CloudMagic and most in our list, myMail can manage emails from Gmail, Hotmail, Live, Outlook, MSN, iCloud, AOL, Yahoo mail and my.com accounts, not to mention it supports all IMAP and POP3 accounts. It’s pretty useful.
It doesn’t support Microsoft Office Exchange, so keep that in mind, but for everyone else this is another great option to consider. We especially like the at-a-glance emails and all the notification controls.  – Download myMail


After a year on iOS first the popular client Mailbox made its way on to Android recent and was an instant success. It took a while for invites to go out before the main launch, but is now readily available on the Google Play Store. It’s primary focus is what we call “Inbox Zero” to keep you up to date all the time, rather than Gmail showing 999+ emails in your inbox. Those with OCD like myself, will absolutely want to download and use Mailbox.
Mailbox was recently acquired by Dropbox and is getting new features often, but for now its primary focus is Gmail and iCloud email. It has it’s own priority system similar to Gmail does with labels, but to each his own. The quick swipes to delete or archive are nice, and being able to view entire emails like a chat conversation is extremely nice. The UI is clean, simple, and worth trying. Some like it, some don’t. It’s all about being at Inbox Zero though. – Download Mailbox

Blue Mail

Where CloudMagic and a few of these others seem a bit too plain (or clean, if you will) Blue Mail spices things up. It’s more of a casual interface, but still extremely easy to use and navigate. It supports Exchange through IMAP, so you’ll be missing Exchange ActiveSync, but that aside it supports every other major platform and is another excellent all-in-one solution.
One of my favorite features of Blue Mail is to keep track of my procrastination. Rather than tapping an email and it being listed as read, which will let you easily forget about it, Blue Mail offers reminders. You can save for later and have a new notification arrive in 15 minutes, an hour, or even the next day. It’s customizable, and helps me keep track of important emails from any email account.
These reminders popup from the bottom vs the slide-out menu to the left, which is where we’d rather it be, but it’s to ensure to don’t miss those important emails you wanted to be reminded about at a later time. If you procrastinate like I do, Blue Mail may be worth considering as well. Give it a try today. – Download Blue Mail

Inbox by Gmail

While nearly all Android smartphones and tablets have Gmail, they also have “Email by Google” or an Email app from their manufacturer, like Samsung. However, Google also offers its own alternative called Inbox. It’s all about being organized and getting back to whatever it is you’re doing, rather than sorting through and deleting unwanted emails. It takes some setup, but will be a powerful tool once done right.

It highlights important emails like flight info or package tracking, and gives you pop-ups so you don’t even have to open the email. Then bundles will combine similar emails together (like work stuff or spam) so you can deal with similar emails all at once. It’s extremely powerful, and rather smart.

You can snooze emails to popup again at a later time so you don’t forget about them, similar to Blue Mail and has a nice and extremely customizable notification system. This way you’ll never miss something important, even if you’re too busy to look at it when it does arrive. Snooze it for later, then deal with it when you need to. It works great with Android Wear, has a similar design as it was made from the team that made Gmail, but sadly it only supports Gmail. If you need support for AOL, POP3, IMAP, or any of the other email options this isn’t for you. – Download Inbox

A couple of honorable mentions go to K-9 Mail, TouchDown for Smartphones, Molto or even MailDroid, although the options mentioned above happen to be our favorites. Give myMail a try, or Blue Mail if you want all the quick reminders and snooze features. In the end everyone needs something to suit their own needs, something Gmail may not provide, so give them all a try and see what works best for you. 

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