10 things only Android users will understand

Using an Android device comes with a number of quirks and feelings that only Android users can understand. iPhone users lead a boring existence where everything is sliver and has perfectly rounded corners. Our world is full of color and unique shapes and sizes, but it’s not without #AndroidProblems. That’s exactly what makes Android users different, and why we can safely say no one else understands what it’s like.

10. Being able to charge your phone with any cable

Lollipop charging
If you’ve been using Android devices for a while you probably have an unlimited supply of mico-USB charging cables. The vast majority of smartphones today use micro-USB cables for charging. This comes in handy when you’re stranded at a friend’s house and they most likely have a compatible cable, or when you can let a friend borrow your cable.
iPhone users don’t have this convenience. Since the iPhone uses a proprietary charging cable it’s not so easy to borrow a charge. They have to always carry an extra charging cable with them, or rely on someone else owning an iPhone. I have witnessed first hand how annoying this can be for iPhone users. Standards like micro-USB make life easier. Be thankful you don’t use a device that tries to make its own standards.
P.S. Always use a charging cable from the maker of your phone if you can.

9. Finding the perfect case… but they don’t make it for your phone model

phone cases
Have you ever walked into a store and found a gigantic wall of iPhone cases, but just a tiny corner of cases for Android phones? It sucks. If you have the latest Samsung Galaxy device or a HTC One you might be able to find something, but if you have a more obscure phone you won’t. Try finding a case for the Nexus 6 at a mall kiosk.
Android dominates market share, but the iPhone is far and away the most popular phone. Samsung has done a great job at making the Galaxy S line consistent and popular enough that you will see cases in stores, but devices like the LG G3 or Xperia line aren’t so lucky. The good news is there are plenty of cases to choose from if you do your shopping online. Go ahead and let your friends waste their money on bedazzled kiosk cases.

8. “That phone is huge!”

Before the iPhone 6 Plus came around there was nothing that compared to huge Android phones. Even a simple Samsung Galaxy S5 or HTC One M8 looked gigantic compared to the iPhone. Every time you pull out your phone there is someone who will say “that phone is huge!” God forbid you let someone use your phone: “Holy cow I can barely hold this thing! How can you use a phone this big?!”
Thankfully Apple finally got with the times and made a bigger phone. Unfortunately that has led to a new problem, but more on that later.

7. Becoming a group message outcast

Android phone
If you have a lot of friends or family members that use iPhones you’re more than familiar with iMessage problems. Apple’s proprietary system of bypassing SMS works great among iPhone users, but when non-iOS devices get involved things get messy. Your friends might start referring to you as a “green person” because your name is not iMessage-blue in the Messaging app.
You’re iPhone friends can all group message each other and have a continuous group conversation, but since you’re an Android “green person” it sends the messages separately to you. What’s even worse is when you’re included in a group conversation it turns everyone into a “green person,” and that really annoys the iPeople. This problem is 100% on Apple, but it can make your friends hate that you use Android.

6. Getting a flagship phone on launch day without standing in line

Apple fans have one choice when it comes to phones: the iPhone. It comes in two sizes now, but it’s still just an iPhone. That means when the iPhone launches it’s a huge deal. Just imagine if the Samsung Galaxy S6 would be the only option for Android fans. There would be monstrous lines at every store. Thankfully Android fans have many options, and therefore we don’t have to wait in lines.
Buying a popular flagship Android device on launch day is so much easier than buying an iPhone on launch day. Rarely will an Android phone draw lines at stores. That’s not because the phone isn’t popular. It’s because we have more choices. You might think the Galaxy S6 is the best phone ever, but someone else thinks the HTC One M9 is the best. Choice = no lines.

5. Being treated like a second-class citizen

insta hate
Being an Android user in a world obsessed with iPhones definitely has its downsides. Oftentimes you’ll feel like a second-class citizen who is being left out and persecuted because of the phone you use. There are a couple of different ways in which this feeling comes about.
The most obvious example is when apps are launched for iOS before Android. It’s the year 2015, and the latest reports show Android has over 80% of the mobile market while iOS is at a mere 15%. Despite those cold hard facts we still see apps and big updates launch on iOS first. There is absolutely no reason why that should happen. The problem has gotten a lot better over the years, but it still exists.
When an app that has been available for iOS finally does launch for Android we experience the other part of being treated like a second-class citizen. Back in 2012 when Instagram finally migrated to Android there was a huge backlash from iOS users. The same thing happened when Secret launched for Android. It was a disgusting display of elitism and superiority. There are many iPhone users who actually believe Android phones are “just for poor people.” It’s ridiculous.

4. Waiting for the perfect phone launch, and then a better one is leaked

Tom Petty once said “the waiting is the hardest part.” He must be an Android user. We’re always trying to find the perfect phone. As soon as we think we found it a better one comes along. If you’re always waiting for the perfect phone you will end up with a lot of disappointment and no phone.
Most of us don’t have the resources to buy each and every new Android device. Thankfully manufacturers have scaled back the amount of devices they launch in a year. Most manufacturers now focus on one or two flagship devices each year. Your best bet is to buy one of these devices and make peace with it. Something better will be announced, but every Android device is awesome in its own way. Be happy with what you have.

3. Using voice search & navigation that actually work

google maps lane guidance
Siri is a fun little toy that iPhone users love to show off, but that’s all it is: a toy. Most iPhone users don’t really use Siri as a handy tool. They might use it to set alarms and add reminders, but that’s about it. Google Now, on the other hand, is a super powerful voice search/personal assistant. Siri might be able to tell better jokes, but Google Now actually helps you get stuff done and shows you information when you need it. That’s how a personal assistant should work.
One of the biggest mistakes Apple made in the last few years was replacing Google Maps with Apple Maps. At launch it was an unmitigated disaster. The directions were awful, and large chunks of maps were simply not there. It was a mess. Thankfully Google Maps is available for iOS, but it’s not nearly as good as what we have on Android. Google Maps is hands down the best navigation app available for smartphones. Your friends should be jealous.

2. Waiting for Android updates

Tom Petty really must be an Android user. The waiting game for Android updates is arguably the worst thing about being an Android user. If you have a Nexus device you can expect to get timely updates, but if you use something else it’s pretty much a crap shoot. Manufacturers have gotten a lot better at updating popular devices quickly, but you’re still going to be waiting a few months.
The best thing you can do is change the way you think about Android updates. A Samsung or HTC device doesn’t run Android in the tradition sense. They have essentially created their own version of Android. Your Samsung or HTC device is on the latest version of software they have made. If you want Google’s version of Android you need a Nexus.

1. “Is that the new iPhone?”

The last, but probably most annoying, thing only Android users will understand is when someone asks if you’re using an Apple product. It really doesn’t even matter how un-Apple-like your device may look. Someone will ask if it’s the latest Apple product. Got a Note 4? “Is that the iPhone 6 Plus?” Got a Moto 360? “Is that the Apple Watch?” Got a Nexus 7? “Is that the iPad Mini?” It never fails.
This is the world that Android users live in. We understand these situations all too well. Still, at the end of the day it’s all worth it. They can have their iMessages and fancy cases, we’ll take our wide variety of devices, customization options, powerful features, and cute little robots any day. What are things that you think only Android fans understand?

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