Must watch video for every pc user who suffers from slow computer booting.

how to avoid slow booting while restart computer ?

Recently a friend of mine asked me to help him out with slow start up of his computer. Always it takes too long to boot the computer. 
It was very slow even after it boots. Though the computer had a decent hardware configuration he is facing the issue.

This problem is not un-common. The main reason behind such problems is too many start-up tasks start when windows start. Also as we install different software or applications on computer, there are some background tasks associated with some applications which start running at start-up.

In this video demonstration I introduced a extraordinary application which monitors start up programs and provides detailed information about them. We can know which item tooks how much time to load in to memory. This software also provides community recommendations in order to pause it or delay it's booting.

Must watch video for every pc user who suffers from slow computer booting.

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